
Monday, July 07, 2008

Hey You Kids...Get Offa My Blog!

What...you're still here? After a month long hiatus, I decide to shamble back to my blog and what do I find? Lollygagging readers loitering around waiting to see into which exciting adventures I've stumbled of late. (Not to mention how I will next mangle the Queen's English in an attempt to avoid using a preposition to end a sentence...with.) Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, oh impossibly faithful readers, but the main reason that so little has been posted on this blog during the past few weeks is relatively straightforward.

Nothing much has happened.

Sure, my girlfriend and I went to Florida.

And sure, I've been working diligently on my prospectus, figuring out exactly what the heck should serve as the topic of my dissertation. (I publicly face the critiques of my fellow graduate students tomorrow. Things could get ugly.)

And yes, I have also been playing softball for the history department team, earning a reputation as a reasonably good, if occasionally inconsistent, pitcher. (Though how good do you have to be in slow pitch softball?)

And I'm moving out of the Invisible Commune in August.

And I'm moving with my girlfriend into a wonderful new apartment whose only major flaw is being located 35 minutes away from campus when gas prices are starting to go through the roof.

Oh, and one of my good friends from high school is getting married this weekend, so I'll get to see a lot of my friends for the first time in what feels like (and probably is) years!

But other than that nothing happened.

So quit looking for exciting stuff. There are no ten word movie reviews of films like Hancock (e.g. The first third really works. The rest not so much.) or Mongol (e.g. Surprisingly little pillaging for a new film about Genghis Khan) here. Nor will you see any discussion of the weather (humid and miserable) or the upcoming presidential election (John McCain is older than the six-pack.).

Nope, nothing to see here. Nothing of pressing interest, anyway.

So get off of my blog, you gosh-darned, good-for-nothin' readers!

Don't make me shake my fist ineffectually while I start pondering new ideas for blog posts.

Because you know I will!

I find your fist shaking ineffectual. I will see you Saturday. The end.
I lied, not the end. Is your invisible girlfriend going to the cook-out/wedding?
the White One is intrigued by this talk of 'weddings'...
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