
Thursday, August 03, 2006

From the Unblogged Files of the Invisible Ben: Day #4 (Favorite Subjects)

Longtime readers would probably not be surprised at my assertion that the typical Underwood High School student does not possess a particular fondness for the realm of academia. However, this should not imply that students did not possess any preferences so far as their favorite classes or teachers. Nowhere was this more evident than among the school's honors students. The honors program at Underwood is rather tightknit, consisting almost entirely of teachers located on the northern side of the third floor. The program's director, one of my favorite people at Underwood, has a piece of prime classroom real estate smack dab in the middle of the hallway, perfect for the countless occasions where she is called upon to abandon the menial paperwork that keeps her academy running to regulate traffic.

Right next to her door, the honors program posts the names and pictures of each grade's "Students of the Month". Each student also has the chance to tell something about themselves including where they want to go to college, their hobbies, and their favorite teachers and subjects. The student profiles are shifted to the side with each month, so that by the end of the year there were 54 different students pictured. (2 for each grade per month for 9 months) Now around halfway through the year, I had an opportunity to have my last period class covered. (Given how miserable that class behaved in general, I appreciated the break!) And as I wondered toward my chemistry class on the third floor I noticed the decided to take notes of the subjects that the honors kids to that point had marked as their favorite. I wrote the tally on the back of a worksheet on electrochemical cells.

The results are as follows:

Social Science/Law: 3
English: 6
French: 1
Mathematics: 7
History: 8
Technology: 1
Journalism: 1
Music: 1
All Subjects: 1

Quick thoughts:

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