Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I'm out.
The Class From Hell Postulate [TM] be damned. Today, it all fell apart in my last two periods. Surprisingly, my last period class, which is supposedly tracked on the highest reading level, fell apart. Two girls, getting in each other's faces: that's all it took. I tried to stand between them, but as soon as the fists started flying, I called security...but the fight grew. It was like one of those clouds in cartoons when a dog and cat fight...people just got sucked in.
It took around 4 security guards to break everything up. But not before they tore down one of my posters. My class was not under control. And this was suppposed to be a good class. And then, they got mad that they couldn't go to the lab...claimed I was penalizing the whole class for the actions of a few. And they're right.
But it didn't end. Two more new students today in that class. Both assholes. Refusing to call me by my me all kinds of attitude, and refusing to just sit down where I told them. One kid even has the gall to take a picture during class on a cell phone...then he refuses to surrender it to me in accordance with school policy, and then what can I do?
I have no power.
I earn no respect.
Even with two years of experience.
They cuss me out, and I can do nothing.
I plan for hours, and all is undone in minutes.
They see me as a coward-one accused me of running for security as soon as the fight started and not wanting to break it up. They see me as a fool. And they may be right.
This is only the latest piece of evidence that leads me to the following conclusion:
So far as Underwood is concerned, I'm increasingly certain that after this year...I'm done.
The only question that remains to be answered is "what's next?"
The Class From Hell Postulate [TM] be damned. Today, it all fell apart in my last two periods. Surprisingly, my last period class, which is supposedly tracked on the highest reading level, fell apart. Two girls, getting in each other's faces: that's all it took. I tried to stand between them, but as soon as the fists started flying, I called security...but the fight grew. It was like one of those clouds in cartoons when a dog and cat fight...people just got sucked in.
It took around 4 security guards to break everything up. But not before they tore down one of my posters. My class was not under control. And this was suppposed to be a good class. And then, they got mad that they couldn't go to the lab...claimed I was penalizing the whole class for the actions of a few. And they're right.
But it didn't end. Two more new students today in that class. Both assholes. Refusing to call me by my me all kinds of attitude, and refusing to just sit down where I told them. One kid even has the gall to take a picture during class on a cell phone...then he refuses to surrender it to me in accordance with school policy, and then what can I do?
I have no power.
I earn no respect.
Even with two years of experience.
They cuss me out, and I can do nothing.
I plan for hours, and all is undone in minutes.
They see me as a coward-one accused me of running for security as soon as the fight started and not wanting to break it up. They see me as a fool. And they may be right.
This is only the latest piece of evidence that leads me to the following conclusion:
So far as Underwood is concerned, I'm increasingly certain that after this year...I'm done.
The only question that remains to be answered is "what's next?"