Friday, July 01, 2005
O'Connor's Out?
Apparently Justice Sandra Day O'Connor just announced her plans to step down from her seat on the Supreme Court. This opens several different cans of worms and leaves President Bush in the unique position to potentially appoint two justices and replace a chief justice before the end of his term. This bodes very well for supporters of the Republican party and less well for everyone else.
The thing that gets me however is that all this time we've been waiting patiently for Rehnquist to step down. Leave it to the Supreme Court though to pull the unexpected move and surprise us all with the news about O'Connor. I wonder if Vegas had odds placed on which justice would step down first. If so, somebody probably made a pretty penny from this one.
Apparently Justice Sandra Day O'Connor just announced her plans to step down from her seat on the Supreme Court. This opens several different cans of worms and leaves President Bush in the unique position to potentially appoint two justices and replace a chief justice before the end of his term. This bodes very well for supporters of the Republican party and less well for everyone else.
The thing that gets me however is that all this time we've been waiting patiently for Rehnquist to step down. Leave it to the Supreme Court though to pull the unexpected move and surprise us all with the news about O'Connor. I wonder if Vegas had odds placed on which justice would step down first. If so, somebody probably made a pretty penny from this one.