
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

"That is the sound of ultimate suffering..."

What kind of a world is it where one can hear nothing for 48 hours other than how terrible the weather is going to be, where neighboring school districts close down the night before in anticipation, where principals and administrators warn teachers the day before that school will likely be closed...and then at 5:30 that morning, no closing, no delay, no nothing.

For a storm whose effects will likely linger well beyond those from Monday's little dusting? A damn unfair kind of world, that's what!

In case you can't tell I'm feeling rather depressed these days. I have met my students, and though none of them seems individually as bad as my worst students from last semester...they still somehow have the capacity to tear me down. Or perhaps better said, wear at my reserve of patience. What little optimism I had is gradually disappearing in the face of an opposition that seems never ending.

Now I get the worst of both worlds: A car to clean off from a caked layer of ice, sleet, and snow and a trip to school where I get to face my all new students and further reinforce my own deficiencies as a teacher and a person.


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